Miami Advanced Toastmasters

Welcome Members and potential Members of Miami Advanced Toastmasters. Miami Adv. TM is currently meeting on the 2nd Tuesday of every Month at Kendall Sports Grill @ 9090 S.W. 97th Ave. Our next meeting is scheduled Tuesday July 13th from 7:00 - 9:00pm This site will provide you with all relevant info about what is happening in Miami Advanced Toastmasters. Please bookmark this site for future reference.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

October happenings for Miami Advanced Toastmasters

Good Day fellow Advanced Toastmasters,

It's that time of month again where we come together as Advanced Toastmasters and elevate our evaluation skills.

Our next meeting is on October 12th 2010 7 - 9pm
Kendal Sports Grill
9090 SW 97th Ave (across from Kendal Library)

Jonathan Kroner will be serving as Toastmaster, so if you are scheduled to speak, or evaluate please confirm your attendance with him.

As a special surprise one of our Advanced Toastmasters will be celebrating their BIG 30 B-day on Oct 14th. I can't tell you who, so you'll have to show up and find out, but it is someone we all know and love.

If you are serving as an officer please note that there will be a BOD meeting directly after the meeting.
The District 47 fall conference is fast approaching, just 30 days to go!!!

This year the Fall Conference will be held right here, in our own back yard.

If you are doubting whether or not you should go just listen to what Area Gov Paul Krebes has to say about volunteering and attending Toastmaster events outside of your club.

"Hello All,
Please plan to attend the District Conference right here in Miami.
I have learned so much from attending and participating in Toastmasters events.
I have always received more than I gave by volunteering." Paul Krebes

As the President of Miami Advanced I highly encourage everyone to attend. This is something that only happens once a year and who knows when TI will be hosting another Fall Conference here in Miami.

To Register for the Fall Conference, go here ~~~~~~>
If your looking for pricing, for those of us on a tight budget, go here ~~~~~>

If you plan on attending by yourself go ahead and register, however I think it would be a great idea to go as a group and carpool with each other.

So if your a member of Southdade TM get in touch with Paul Krebes if your interested in going as a group, and if you are a member of Miami Advanced and would like to go as a group get in touch with Jason Stewart.

Remember, just 30 days to go!!!

I would like to present you with a very special opportunity to expand your Toastmasters experience.

Many of us have given speeches, participated and maybe even competed in a few contests, attended a officer training, etc...


There is one thing which you probably have not done yet, and that is.....

Contribute and Mentor at a Youth Leadership Program.

So what is a Youth Leadership Program?

Youth Leadership through Toastmasters is a very special kind of opportunity and it's not for everyone.

During a YLP we as Toastmasters have the opportunity to help instruct and witness Middle school/ Early High School students conduct their own Toastmasters meeting.

Think it's easy???

Then I encourage you to GET INVOLVED in this year's Youth Leadership Program starting October 16th, Saturday

We are looking for 2 - 3 volunteers that have completed at least 6 manual speeches to help coordinate and assist the current coordinators conduct a successful Youth Leadership Program. This also counts towards your Advanced Communicator Gold Status within Toastmasters.

So, if your looking for a challenge, and yes it will be a very fun and rewarding challenge, please respond to this email indicating your interest.

Remember we only have room for 2 more Toastmasters, 3 at the most.

Grab your spot Today!!!

Friday, June 25, 2010

General Update June 25, 2010

Fellow Toastmasters,

Congratulations to those officers who attended the TLI and were trained in their officer roles.

We have many new members joining Miami Advanced Toastmasters and we welcome you with open arms. You are now involved with the Black Belt Evaluators. :)

Our next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday July 13th 2010 7 - 9pm

Our meeting location is Kendal Sports Grill 909 SW 97th Ave

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Important Update Thurs June 10, 2010

Please take note of these two important events.

2 Important Toastmasters Events on June 12th (same venue)

1) Toastmasters Leadership Institute (TLI) (Required Training for ALL Toastmasters Club Officers…non-Officers also welcome)

(TLI Flyer attached above…register at

When: June 12th (9am-1:30pm)

Where: Embassy Suites

1100 SE 17 Street

Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33316h

RR Street,erdale, FL 33316

2) Guinness World Record Speakathon (same venue as TLI above)

When: June 10th-13th (June 12th suggested…reserve your speaking slot today before slots fill up for a time slot after TLI ends at 1:30pm)

Where: Embassy Suites

1100 SE 17 Street

Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33316

Register for World Record in the link below.

We’ll be there to make history…will YOU?